Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The Breakfast Club will be reading "The Last Summer (Of You and Me)" for August. It's written by the author of the popular young adult novel series "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants," Ann Brashares. This is her first adult novel, and if it's anything like her others, it will be a good discussion book.

The book was chosen by someone who has never chosen before. It's always fun to pick your first book, and your second book, and your third book...ok, you get what I am trying to say.

As a reminder, book club for August will not be on the fourth Saturday of the month, but the third. Usually for August, during the Homecoming, we have the book club the fourth Saturday. But, it will be held on the regular third Satuday on August 15th.

Here's what amazon.com posted what the book is about:

Riley and Alice, two sisters now in their twenties, and as fiercely different as they are loyal, have spent every summer at their parents’ modest beach house on New York’s Fire Island. Each year, they return to the house and community they have known since they were children—and to Paul, the boy next door. But this summer marks a season of change: budding love and sexual interest, an illness, and a deep secret force all three to confront the increasing complexities of their lives and friendships.


These are what the books for May, June, and July look like

Merry Month of May...and June....and...well...July

So I apologize for the delay, summer has kept us all busy with different things. Espically summer reading, and added traffic to the library.

May's book selection was Fatherhood
June's book selection was A Child Called It
July's book selection was The Last Lecture

May's book was all about Dad. Fatherhood gave a good discussion on father's and parenting in general. Even if you don't have kids, you can appreciate the things that you might have done to dear old daddy.

June's book gave a good discussion on how foster care operates, and how do we treat each other as human beings. It brought an emotional connection, but it is always appreciated when the book is chosen for a specifc purpose. It's appreciated when it's not.

July's Last Lecture just happened on July 18th. The person who picked it had a personal connection with book. Her husband was diagnosed with Cancer, and the book had came out a few month's before. He tried to read it, and got through about half of it. He decided that he wanted to write his own letter or "lecture" if you will. He ended up not getting a chance to finish it, but he did get some done. She shared the letter with us, and that was nice that she wanted to share it with us all.

There wasn't a person who said that they did not like the book. It is a great feel good book, that there is something that everyone can relate to. Thanks for the book choice MA.

What's in store for the "Last" book of this "Summer"? See the next post.