Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The "Insider's" Scoop

For the month of November, I have the pleasure of picking the next selection in book club, and it is also our 75th book. Yep, can you even imagine that? 75 books ago, was about 6 people, sitting around, talking about the book of the month. Now, it's an average of 12 people, and the discussions are lively every time. I am very happy with the group.

Back to my book selection. I have decided to do another first in our club, not only for myself, but for the club as well. In all of my selections, I have never picked a woman author. I thought, since it's book 75, why not make it something different for me, and different for the club. It's different for the club, because we as a book club, have never read a young adult novel. But what a young adult novel to pick?

Why not pick, the first ever "catagorized" young adult book. That's right readers. We are doing "The Outsiders," by S.E. Hinton for November. I do enjoy this book. It's not in my top three favorite young adult books, but definately in the top ten. You have to have the first young adult novel in your top ten favorite young adult novels. It's a must.

So, I am excited to share this book with book club. My favorite genre of books is young adult, and I am pleased to be the first one to select a young adult book. I hope everyone enjoys it. Discussion questions, and other things such as movie info are ahead, so you can read along with S.E. Hinton's "The Outsiders." As always...HAPPY READING!