Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The book club choice for November is "Family Tree" by Barbara Delinsky. This is Mrs. Bechtel's choice. She has said that she looked extensively into what book she wanted to pick for us to read. For you Non-Fiction lovers, the book could have been "Mayflower" but it was more or less deemed to dry for November. Ok, so it might not be that dry, but it was in depth, and was thought that it might not be the right book at the moment.
Wanting a ~Thanksgiving Feel~ for November, it mentions on the book blurb, that someone's family members come over on the Mayflower, and the book is about families, which Thanksgiving is a family time.
A woman gives birth to a child, and then people, herself included, start questioning the babies features. She is a white, MARRIED woman, but the baby's features are African American. Her husband questions her actions, as to whether or not she had an affair. She denies it, but is she hiding something?
Grab a copy of "Family Tree" by Barbara Delinsky, and join us for what will seem to be a lively discussion on trust, families, and knowledge of a person.
The next book club will take place on November 15th, 2008...9:00am...Fat Man's.
Book discussion questions, and other posts to come. Happy Reading!

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