Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hello Kate Jacobs!

Well readers, we got another treat in February. Kate Jacobs, decided to call into our book club on the February 21st meeting. It was a Saturday morning, at 9:30am Eastern time. Kate was calling from California, which we all know is a three hour difference. So, as she told us, we became her first morning book club. Awesome for us, which we are more memorable that way.

A lot of the book clubbers had questions for her, ranging from how she started writing, to "Friday Night Knitting Club" itself. She talked about herself, her books, and what she might do in the future. Which, if you didn't already know, "Friday Night Knitting Club" is in talks or is being made into a movie with Academy Award winning actress Julia Roberts. Very exciting.

We want to thank Kate for calling in and talking with us. She told me that I was one of only 4 men who have contacted her, over her thousands of emails and letters from women. I am proud to be one of the four. Thank you Kate! She also graciously told us that she would send us autographed book places to our book club, since she talked to us. Very nice, and very cool. As I say, it's an extreme pleasure to have an author talk to our little book club. We are much appreciated by that.

The club seemed to enjoy the book for the most part. They said it was a little confusing to start at the begining, but it got better as the book progressed. In any case, it doesn't matter if you are female, or in my case male. The meaning behind the book is what really hits home. Read the book, and you will see what I mean.

Again, thank you Kate Jacobs!

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