The club met on Saturday, December 20th at Fat Man's to discuss the "Richard Paul Evans" Christmas collection. The collection included "The Christmas Box," "The Gift," & "Finding Noel." All popular titles in amongst Evan's works. It seems no matter he writes, it speaks to all kinds of people, in all different ways. With catching quotes at the beginings and throughout the book, Evan's makes it feel like the "Where's Waldo" of quote hunting. But, it makes it for a feel good read, something some people like around the holidays.
Ruth, the person who picked December's book, asked us to read one, two, or all three of the "Christmas Collection." After we read it, we were supposed to write down a quotes that stuck out to us, and memories that the book struck up for us. Like good little readers that we are, we all did so, and it made the discussion more interesting. Going around the table, and hearing what memories it brought up, and what quotes people liked, made you think "Oh, I liked that one too." Sometimes, we picked the same one that others had picked.
As a whole, I think that people liked "Finding Noel" the most, followed by "The Gift" and then "The Christmas Box." They were all good reads, but some struck people as a better read than others. People liked the books for there feel good potential. They were just easy reads for the holidays, and it seems that that is what everyone wants to read while it's a semi-busy time of year such as Christmas and New Years. Most of them got through all of the selections, but some did not get to read all of them, and said they will go back and read what they missed.
If you are looking for a feel good read for the holidays, or in general, any of these or other selections for Richard Paul Evans would suffice. I would say the ratings for the books would be as follow:
CHRISTMAS BOX *** out of *****
GIFT **** out of *****
NOEL ***** out of *****
(based on the three of what we read)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
Check to see what the next selection is. It's coming soon...
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