Yes fallowers, if any, there hasn't been a blog post since April. I am sorry for that. You get behind on things, and the blog seems the first to go. With the new and improved, moving along with technology, we are hoping you do as well, and read the blog posts, or remotely enjoy them. I am going to do a run down of the ones that we have read since April, and hope it catches everyone up.
April book choice was choosen by Sally. It was Kathryn Stockett's book "The Help." Which, if you haven't read this book, please do. The consensus was that it is a truly touching book. If you haven't seen the movie, again please do. Most of the club went and saw the movie, and really enjoyed the movie as well. Great performances by some great actors and actresses.
Anyway, back to the book. The story is about African American maids in the 1960's, when segragation and color were hitting it's peak. The white woman in the book wants to tell the story of the colored maids who work in the town, and tell their side of the story. The hard part is trying to get the woman to tell there stories, without getting caught, and anyone finding out. If so, they could get into a lot of trouble.
Book club would reccomend this book, and it would also reccomend the movie. Some didn't like the book fully, but mostly all enjoyed reading this touching story.
**** four our of five
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