Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It took almost 70 books to have our first ever "celebrity" author added to the infamous list of bookclub. All the other people have been famous for being authors. Bill Cosby was famous before he became a writer, more so being a comedian.

It's exciting to add him to the list of book choices. For the month of May, the book club will be reading "Fatherhood" by Bill Cosby.

~Bill Cosby started out with doing stand-up comedy rountines. Millions of fans would come out to see such shows.

~He got his own television show, appropriately called "The Cosby Show." Oddly enough, his last name was Huxtable on the show.

~He was given an honorary doctrine from college, and some refer to him as Dr. Cosby.

~His most recent book is called "Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors."

~An important fact about Cosby, is that he was born in Pennsylvania.

The month before Father's Day, this book will surely bring back memories of your childhood, and make you appreciate your own father. If you are a parent, you can appreciate some of the stories he tells of being a parent. They don't make comedy books as well crafted as Bill Cosby's books, or should I say they aren't as popular as they used to be. The only people that come to mind with book popularity and are comedians, would be people such as: Jeff Foxworthy or Chelsea Handler.

So, I invite you to read "Fatherhood" by Bill Cosby for the month of May for The Breakfast Club.

The next meeting date is: May 16th, 2009 - Fat Man's - 9:00am


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