Tuesday, September 30, 2008


LAMB: The gospel according to Biff, Christ's childhood pal by Christopher Moore

In order to lighten the mood of the last two books which were "Manic" and "A Map of the World," I have decided to pick something that is humorous. I have read about a hundred pages into it, and I think it's very funny. You have to put aside the fact that it deals with religion in a humorous way. I believe that if God didn't want humor, he wouldn't have created it. It's a fun and funny look on the gospel, religion, and life of God through the eyes of his "best friend" Biff. It is also educational, giving facts from the Bible that we already know.

I hope you enjoy reading this book. The next book club is October 18th, 9:00 am, Fat Man's. Keep watch for posts about the current selection.

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