Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thoughts on MAP

The Breakfast Club discussed the book "A Map Of The World" on September 20th, 2008 at Fat Man's.

The general agreement was that the book was a good pick all in all. At times, not so much a happy book. It sparked up good conversations. One idea was what kind of a person the mother was who was supposed to be watching her best friend's children, didn't pay attention to them, and let the child drown.

Another topic was the idea of how a small group of people, clics if you will, can be so terrible, and not the ideal thing that makes things better. Like people gossiping and spreading runors about the mother, who is a nurse, doing wrong by others children in the school. It's sad that these clics do exisit, and the discussion said that they are all over.

Attitudes about the mother were questioned. Attitudes about before the accident, after, in jail, and in general.

Two members really liked the book, and said it was a good character piece.

My opinion is that it was a good book. It was difficult reading it, because I kind of kept thinking, "this could and more than does likely happen somewhere, at somepoint."

CLUB RATING: *** out of *****

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